Combining Nature with Technology to Facilitate Positive Change

Inbalance is a wholistic health and well-being clinic in Grey Lynn Auckland, integrating an eclectic combination of natural therapies with modern scientific innovations, to create change in mind/body well-being.

Inbalance was established 20 years ago to help those seeking a natural way to improve their health and for those frustrated with slow progress or lack of support with their health and well-being.

Whether you are interested to take the natural approach, or you are frustrated with persistent symptoms despite normal medical test results, Leanne will help link the pieces of the puzzle to make sense of your health conditions, and offer natural options to help you resolve your symptoms.



Alpha-Stim is a well researched, FDA cleared device for the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, depression and pain for humans and animals. Every single mood and emotion experienced is controlled by electrochemical signals in your brain. Alpha - Stim is a safe and drug-free anxiety therapy that works with your brain’s electrical and electrochemical signals. It has dual functions: microcurrent electrical therapy (MET) to treat pain at its source, such as muscle strains, and cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) to treat mood disorders and sleep.



Iridology is a method of assessing the body's state of health. Like Reflexology the iris is divided into segments like a clock and each segment relates to a particular organ or system. An iris torch is used to identify various shapes and colors in the iris which indicate the condition of organs and systems. Studying these markings in the iris and noting the changes in them forms the basis of an iris assessment. it is a valuable diagnostic tool no longer taught in many institutions but provides information hard to determine by any other method.



Bio Resonance

Electromagnetic energy is continually resonating from the body in oscillations of varying wavelengths and frequencies, which can be detected, graphed, and examined with Bio Resonance machines. These devices measure electromagnetic waves which can determine your present state of health, and provide a clear pathway to improve health conditions. A Bioresonance device scans the body’s frequency patterns and identifies disruptive biological imbalances. These can be from pathogens, environmental toxins, thought patterns, genetics, food and more.


Naturopathic practice follows a holistic approach to the diagnostic assessment, prevention and treatment of a wide range of acute and chronic health conditions. It employs a diversity of therapies to improve the health of an individual. These therapies include herbal medicine, homeopathic medicine, clinical nutrition, mind/body therapies, energy healing therapies, traditional healing arts and body therapies. It involves detective work, excellent listening skills and a ‘thinking outside the square, lateral approach’.


Energy Medicine. Reiki

Energy Medicine. Reiki

Energy Medicine combines Accunect and Reiki for those seeking energy healing practices. Energy medicine sometimes used interchangeably with vibrational energy and Bioenergetics, refers to a wide range of healing modalities used for mental, physical or emotional wellbeing. Energy healing has become more integrated and accepted globally, and modern technology can now prove much of what until recently has been explained through ancient knowledge.

Allergy desensitisation

Allergy desensitisation

Accunaet is a system for identifying and balancing the mind/body response to an allergen. Accunect techniques along with the vials used in NAET and Allergy Antidotes are used to desensitise one's reaction to an allergen/substance. The current innovative medical treatment for allergies is sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) and is commonly used in Europe to treat respiratory and skin allergies. SLIT treats the cause of allergies by giving small doses of what a person is allergic to, which increases tolerance to the allergen and reduces the allergic symptoms. Accunaet has the same effect but it is does not involve taking drops over an extended period of time so is therefore quicker as well as being highly effective.


Accunaet: I had two allergy desensitising technique sessions with Leanne just as hay fever season was beginning. I was doubtful that such a simple procedure would do anything, yet for the first time in many years, I had no hay fever symptoms over the season, for which I am profoundly grateful.
— Ross Auckland 2015

    One Size does not fit all

 Healing is a two-way street. For so long, so many of us have fallen into the pattern of expecting a pill from the doctor to make us feel better. Each body is unique and responds to its environment in a different way, meaning there is no one-size-fits-all treatment plan for everyone. There are different ways to gain health and wellbeing for each of us and each health practitioner has developed their system of treatment. Your treatment plan is designed to integrate into everyday life as easily as possible. With over 18 years experience helping hundreds of patients to make a better difference in their health and life, you are in good hands.

Leanne is incredible. I had gone to countless doctors to help me solve my stomach problems and she was the first one that took the time to ask me questions and figure out what was wrong. If it didn’t work the first time she would be continually looking for a solution. I am so appreciative for her help and couldn’t thank her enough!
— Sarah

Just to let you know that after my appointment with you I stopped eating all sweet things..... end result is that after 5 months I lost over 15 Kgs and am a lot healthier...I did not think that a small change would have made such a difference
Thank you. I don’t really get tummy aches anymore
— KR (age 6)